Falling Buildings, Rampant Fires, What will it take for us to wake up?


14 people dead, in a four-story building collapse of a restaurant in Solan in Himachal Pradesh. Although the NDRF team and Shah Satnam Ji Green S Volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda reached the spot almost immediately, these lives could not be saved. This painful incident is so sad that the general public has suffered the loss of rules and negligence by the builders but the government is not taking any lesson from such incidents. During the construction of multi-storeyed buildings neither the builders keep rules in mind, neither the officials of the concerned department bother to check and stop anyone. Corruption and political support are also the main reason for such incidents happening every single day in some part of the other.

Let us make people responsible for their actions. Fix ownership of faults and hold people guilty. In the country’s capital Delhi, there have been dozens of such incidents, which have not been followed, according to the rules. In the past year, a minister of Punjab had lodged a complaint in the police station about similar multi-story building in dire condition and, he filed a complaint too. Despite the complainant himself being a minister, no action could be taken against the culprits.

Irresponsible officials, the corrupt system to be blamed

In addition to corruption, the habit of not taking action in the authorities is also obstructing the system. It appears as though such tragic incidents and accidents have become a common sight. And every time such incidents happens NDRF teams are sent, although Dera followers reach the spot on their own. They try their best to rescue lives, even resorting to special prayers for them, to their Master Saint Ram Rahim Ji. Lives at stake do get lost, and so does their livelihood, their houses, etc. When we can stop such accidents why shouldn’t we? This is the big question.

After the accident, an inquiry is ordered for one or two days, then the investigation will be done and the matter is suppressed after making such a declaration. Due to the long judicial process and weak legal action, the real culprits survive. Despite the major tragedies in the country, these incidents do not show much effect on the minds of governments, administrative officials and the public.

Take charge of your streets and cities

The common person is constantly undergoing ignorance, yet it needs to be made aware that anyone may have to suffer the loss of corrupt systems today it’s them tomorrow it could be you. So, start working at your own levels fight your own battles. Baba Ram Rahim Ji had tried his best to change the system. He even made thousands to pledge to never take bribes, forget giving. And thousands are living a clean life thanks to this Saint, who always thinks ahead of time.


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